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My name is Cassie Dalton. About a decade ago, I was experiencing symptoms of burn out, chronic stress, anxiety, and a multitude of physical health challenges. I had to make some big changes in my life so that I could restore my inner peace and reclaim my health and well-being physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Along my road to recovery, I fell in love with the practice of yoga and knew I had to share it with others, so I worked through a 500 hour teacher training program and have been teaching for several years now. I also experienced the amazing benefits of Reiki and other energy healing practices, so I studied with a Reiki master and later learned even more techniques from Sai Shakti healers whom I met during my travels to India. Most recently, I completed my training to become a health and wellness coach so that I can further help others make the changes they need to live their happiest, healthiest, most peaceful lives. I am honored to bring these modalities together in my business so that you can discover what will best help you reclaim your health and restore peace in your own body, mind, and spirit.

Om shanti shanti shanti. Peace be with you.

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